Merck 117046

Free Fatty Acids Test Strip


Method: Colorimetric with test strips, 0.5 – 1 – 2 – 3 mg/g KOH, MQuant®

Deep-frying causes oils and fats to decompose over time. One of the major by-products of decomposition is free fatty acids. When these acids exceed an acceptable treshold, they affect the quality of fried food. With MQuant® Free Fatty Acids, it is easily possible to monitor the quality of deep-frying oil. Free fatty acids present in an oil or fat sample react with a pH indicator, the color of which changes depending on the concentration of the free fatty acids. The concentration of the free fatty acids is measured semi-quantitatively by visual comparison of the reaction zone of the test strip with the fields of a color scale.

Design for sustainability benefits:

We continue to demonstrate our commitment to our planet and a sustainable future by exploring ways to improve existing products in our portfolio. We have recently reviewed the current line of MQuant® test strips to identify key opportunities to minimize impact without compromising on the product performance.

This product has benefited from:

  • Test strip with reduction
  • Recycled aluminum tube
  • Digital instruction leaflet


Merck 117046 SDS

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