
Ultra Pure Water EC/Resistivity Waterproof Portable Meter


The HI98197 is a rugged portable EC/TDS/Resistivity/Salinity meter with the performance and features of a benchtop. The HI98197 is supplied complete with all accessories necessary to perform high purity water measurements packaged into a durable carrying case. The accessories include a stainless steel flow cell and a threaded four ring conductivity probe that allows for high resolution 0.001 μS/cm for conductivity and 0.1 MΩ * cm for resistivity readings.

•  0.001 μS/cm resolution
•  Four ring conductivity/resistivity probe
•  Stainless steel flow cell

  5-Point Calibration
•  Calibration can be performed up to five points with seven preprogrammed conductivity standards. For salinity (% NaCl range), HI7037 standard allows users to perform a one-point calibration.

  Expanded Ranges
•  HI98197 has an expanded conductivity range from 0.000 μS/cm to 1000 mS/cm actual conductivity (400 mS/cm temperature compensated).
•  The HI98197 also has ranges for TDS, resistivity and three salinity scales. This meter automatically recognizes the probe type (two or four ring) and allows the user to adjust the nominal cell constant.

  Contextual Help
•  Access Help at any time at the press of a dedicated button and view content specific information based on the screen that is currently being viewed.

  Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)
•  GLP data includes date, time, standards used, temperature compensation used, reference temperature, and TDS conversion factor (TDS) is directly accessible
by pressing the dedicated GLP key.

  Graphic LCD
•  The high contrast graphic LCD is easy to read outdoors in bright sunlight as well as in low-lit areas with the backlight.
•  A combination of dedicated and virtual keys allows easy, intuitive operation in a choice of languages.

•  The log-on-demand mode allows the user to record and save up to 400 readings while the lot logging at selected intervals can store up to 1000 readings.
•  This data can then be transferred to a PC with Hanna’s HI920015 micro USB cable and HI92000 software.

  Thermoformed Carrying Case
•  The compact, durable HI720197 carry case is thermoformed to hold all necessary components for taking a field measurement, including the meter and probe,
beakers and conductivity standards.

  User Profiles
•  The HI98197 allows for the creation of 10 measurement profiles with various user settings including temperature compensation, range selection, cell constant,
and TDS conversion factors.

  TDS Conversion Factor
•  The conductivity to TDS factor is adjustable from 0.40 and 1.00.

  Temperature Compensation
•  EC and TDS measurements are fully customizable and include: cell constant selection between 0.0 and 10.000 and a selection of linear, non-linear (natural water) or no temperature compensation.
•  The temperature compensation coefficient range is configurable from 0.00 to 10.00%/°C with a choice of reference temperatures of 15°C, 20°C and 25°C.

•  HI98197 can be used to perform all three stages of USP method required for EC measurement of ultrapure water and generates a report when the any of the
three stages are met.


Order now

To make your order, please contact us at  info@polyscientific.com.my or call us at +6 06 3350 690

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