
ORP Electrode with Clogging Prevention System (CPS™) and BNC Connector


The HI3148B is a glass body, refillable, open junction ORP electrode with a BNC connector. This electrode features a double junction reference, Hanna’s Clogging Prevention System (CPS™) technology, and platinum sensing ring.

•  Clogging Prevention System (CPS™) Technology
•  Platinum Sensing Ring
•  Refillable Electrode

The HI3148B uses a platinum ring, glass body, open junction with CPS technology and is refillable with 3.5M KCl.
Platinum Sensor
•  The HI3148B ORP sensor is made with platinum. An ORP sensor must be chemically inert; it cannot be oxidized or reduced itself.
•  It must also have the proper surface characteristics to promote rapid electron exchange, a property known as high exchange current density.
•  Two noble metals have proven to work well for this purpose: pure platinum and pure gold are both used in the construction of ORP sensors.
•  The platinum sensor is often preferred because it is mechanically simpler and safer to produce. Platinum can be welded to glass and has the same thermal coefficient.
•  The platinum sensor signal is carried through the electrode body, and together with the reference signal is conducted to the measurement meter.

  CPS™ Sleeve Junction
•  Clogging Prevention System (CPS™) technology is an innovation in electrode technology.
•  Conventional ORP electrodes use ceramic junctions that clog quickly when used in wine. When the junction is clogged, the electrode does not function.
•  CPS technology utilizes the porousness of ground glass coupled with a PTFE sleeve to prevent clogging of the junction.
•  The ground glass allows proper flow of the liquid, while the PTFE sleeve repels dirt.
•  As a result, ORP electrodes with CPS stay fresh up to 20times longer than conventional electrodes.

  Glass Body
•  The glass body is ideal for laboratory use.
•  The glass is resistant to many harsh chemicals and is easily cleaned.
•  The glass body also allow for a fast transfer of heat to the internal reference electrolyte.
•  The mV generated by the reference cell is temperature dependent.
•  The faster the electrode reaches equilibrium, the steadier the reference potential.

  Double Junction Reference
•  A double junction electrode has an internal compartment surrounding the reference wire.
•  Silver ions are present in the electrolyte of the internal compartment, which houses the Ag/AgCl reference wire; the electrolyte outside this compartment is silver free.
•  The double junction design means that virtually no silver from the electrode enters the sample.
•  This design allows measurement in applications where silver ions in the sample are undesirable or silver precipitates on the junction are likely to form.

•  The HI3148B is a refillable probe.
•  Since it is a single junction ORP electrode the fill solution is the HI7082 3.5M KCl.
•  If using a refillable ORP electrode, the fill cap should be removed prior to measurement.
•  Removing the cap creates positive head pressure in the reference cell allowing for higher flow rate of electrolyte through the outer junction.
•  A higher flow rate will result in a faster and more stable reading.

  BNC Connector
•  The HI3148B uses a BNC connector.
•  This type of connector is universal in that it can be used on any pH/mV meter that has the female BNC probe input.
•  Other type of connectors include DIN, screw type, T-type, and 3.5mm to name a few.
•  These other types of connectors tend to be proprietary for a particular type of meter and are not interchangeable.


    Body Material                          :  glass
    Reference                                :  double, Ag/AgCl
    Junction / Flow Rate               :  open, CPS technology
    Electrolyte                              :  3.5M KCl
    Range                                     :  ORP: ±2000 mV
    Max Pressure                           :  0.1 bar
    Tip Shape                               :  platinum ring
    Diameter                                 :  12 mm
    Body Length / Overall Length  :  120 mm / 175.5 mm
    Recommended Operating

Temperature                            :


-5 to 80°C (23 to 176°F)

    Temperature Sensor                :  no
    Matching Pin                           :  no
    Amplifier                                 :  no
    Digital                                     :  no
    Cable                                      :  coaxial; 1 m (3.3’)
    Connection                             :  BNC
    Applications                            :  wine
    Warranty                                 :  6 months

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To make your order, please contact us at  info@polyscientific.com.my or call us at +6 06 3350 690

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